| Nick | Number of lines | When? | Last seen | Random quote |
1 |
GodsSon | 53679 |     | today | "yeah she pimpslapped herself lastnight" |
2 |
Szentigrade | 41097 |     | today | "but i guess its more relevant to you" |
3 |
raulduke | 28878 |     | today | "caderly: did u drink all thoses tonight?" |
4 |
GrandmasterD | 24643 |     | 2 days ago | "and on the 13th day.. God sat on his thumb and rejoiced" |
5 |
Ersan | 20740 |     | yesterday | "yeah i finished, ti was a huge pain in the ass and took 5 people" |
6 |
T4K | 20205 |     | today | "fdsjklfjdsafklsdjfksdlfjdsa" |
7 |
Scoot | 19147 |     | yesterday | "so why wouldn't you want to seed it for a year?" |
8 |
GracenGray | 18517 |     | yesterday | "they have 6 star hotels in dubai" |
9 |
nathanielj | 17728 |     | 34 days ago | "http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/40291856/ns/travel-news/?GT1=43001" |
10 |
van | 16758 |     | 6 days ago | "prolly why it was still there" |
11 |
DeMoPoRT | 15710 |    | today | "FlawlesStyle: he's on my wiener." |
12 |
tekky | 14995 |     | 2 days ago | "hugs and kisses with christmas dreams" |
13 |
PlacidFire | 14230 |     | yesterday | "we should be able to get double that" |
14 |
StumpDiZ | 13782 |     | yesterday | "maybe szen will know that song..." |
15 |
GrandmasterD[H_E] | 13748 |     | yesterday | "just seems like sumthin i should be doin" |
16 |
Emjay | 13246 |     | today | "The movie The Fighter was like a crackhead gay version of Rocky" |
17 |
DrivinManiac | 12524 |     | 3 days ago | "Godsson did you get the hooker you wanted for christmas?" |
18 |
MorganNY | 12441 |     | today | "an enclave of geniuses in a small town" |
19 |
schmalaa | 12399 |     | yesterday | "down: 3.07 MiB/s, up: 7.94 MiB/s" |
20 |
FiSHi | 12318 |     | yesterday | "thats a fucked up map made in 1900 by japan" |
21 |
wackey | 12116 |     | yesterday | "ul find it in brows for music torrents" |
22 |
solsy | 11989 |     | today | "it aint even a full one at that" |
23 |
NinKenDo | 11493 |     | today | "time for a half remotely decent night's sleep" |
24 |
T4KOffice | 11468 |    | 2 days ago | "we're not gonna do it for you" |
25 |
Littleeas | 10710 |     | 2 days ago | "Running it through Mythtv to my entertainment center :o" |
26 |
Damit | 10210 |    | yesterday | "nice i wish it counted for me here at work :(" |
27 |
sarabrooke | 9559 |     | 2 days ago | "hii GrandmasterD happy new yr to you" |
28 |
kalx | 9541 |     | today | "whats the regular price in AUS?" |
29 |
tramd | 9449 |     | today | "i havent made my way to the tunnel yet" |
30 |
xq | 8923 |     | yesterday | "i am just getting back to reality" |
31 |
skeletor | 8489 |     | today | "yeah you were like high or something i dont know" |
32 |
et242 | 7889 |     | today | "yes, but in the end you go to the no-ip address anyways" |
33 |
imzadi | 7873 |     | today | "his parents arfe heading north for a holiday" |
Is ihsif stupid or just asking too many questions? 33.7% lines contained a question!
mystryman didn't know that much either. 29.5% of his/her lines were questions.
The loudest one was ilutsst, who yelled 99.2% of the time!
Another old yeller was lesliex, who shouted 55.1% of the time!
It seems that parmasean's shift-key is hanging: 15.6% of the time he/she wrote UPPERCASE. For example, like this: <parmasean> LOL REALLY
Yeomans just forgot to deactivate his/her Caps-Lock. He/She wrote UPPERCASE 14.3% of the time.
schmalaa is a very aggressive person. He/She attacked others 76 times. For example, like this: * schmalaa slaps FiSHi with Ozzy Osbourne
FiSHi can't control his/her aggressions, either. He/She picked on others 48 times.
Poor Scoot, nobody likes him/her. He/She was attacked 66 times. For example, like this: * PlacidFire slaps scoot around with a rubber hammer
GodsSon seems to be unliked too. He/She got beaten 59 times.
Putka brings happiness to the world. 33.0% lines contained smiling faces. :)
downboy isn't a sad person either, smiling 31.5% of the time.
gpz750r seems to be sad at the moment: 7.2% lines contained sad faces. :(
feesmayapply is also a sad person, crying 6.0% of the time.
ihsif wrote the longest lines, averaging 223.3 letters per line.
#supertorrents average was 25.0 letters per line. |
ilutsst wrote the shortest lines, averaging 5.0 characters per line.
l666x was tight-lipped, too, averaging 7.8 characters. |
GodsSon spoke a total of 234016 words!
GodsSon's faithful follower, Szentigrade, didn't speak so much: 227502 words.
T4K-Linux wrote an average of 54.00 words per line.
Channel average was 4.90 words per line.
Scoot wasn't very popular, getting kicked 419 times! For example, like this: *** Scoot was kicked by FiSHi
Damit seemed to be hated too: 82 kicks were received.
StumpDiZ is either insane or just a fair op, kicking a total of 202 people!
StumpDiZ's faithful follower, sarabrooke, kicked about 157 people.
ChanServ donated 6055 ops in the channel...
sickie was also very polite: 13 ops from him/her.
hahanottelling is the channel sheriff with 15 deops.
Toker deoped 6 users.
GodsSon always lets us know what he/she's doing: 1118 actions! For example, like this: * GodsSon rubs the oil on wackey's nipples
Also, GrandmasterD tells us what's up with 1074 actions.
GodsSon talks to him/herself a lot. He/She wrote over 5 lines in a row 530 times!
Another lonely one was van, who managed to hit 398 times.
amoRF couldn't decide whether to stay or go. 1964 joins during this reporting period! |
respe has quite a potty mouth. 4.2% words were foul language.
kayoed also makes sailors blush, 3.9% of the time.
ST Site: UP Tracker: UP | Radio: http://stradio.org:8000/listen.pls | #stradio #pre #vHost #stm-spam #tracers | NEWS: Free Leech & Double Upload til January 3rd! :: ST's 4th Annual 12 Day's of Christmas has come to an end :: Last Day for Entries in Forum Contests |
yesterday at 03:44 by Szentigrade |
ST-Site: UP Tracker: UP | Radio: http://stradio.org:8000/listen.pls | #stradio #pre #vHost #stm-spam #tracers | NEWS: Free Leech & Double Upload til January 3rd! :: ST's 4th Annual 12 Day's of Christmas has come to an end :: Last Day for Entries in Forum Contests |
yesterday at 03:43 by Szentigrade |
ST-Site: UP Tracker: UP | Radio: http://stradio.org:8000/listen.pls | #stradio #pre #vHost #stm-spam #tracers | NEWS: Event: Half Download Day | IRC Flood Final Goal: 1250 User by Jan. 1st | STAY ABOVE 1200!! | ST's 4th Annual 12 Day's of Christmas http://www.supertorrents.org |
2 days ago at 19:40 by Szentigrade |
ST-Site: UP Tracker: UP | Radio: http://stradio.org:8000/listen.pls | #stradio #pre #vHost #stm-spam #tracers | NEWS: Event: | IRC Flood Final Goal: 1250 User by Jan. 1st | STAY ABOVE 1200!! | ST's 4th Annual 12 Day's of Christmas http://www.supertorrents.org |
2 days ago at 19:39 by Szentigrade |
ST-Site: UP Tracker: UP | Radio: http://stradio.org:8000/listen.pls | #stradio #pre #vHost #stm-spam #tracers | NEWS: Event: Radio Day! 2x Bonus! 3x IRC Bonus | IRC Flood 11th Goal: 1200 User by December 31st | STAY ABOVE 1150!! | ST's 4th Annual 12 Day's of Christmas http://www.supertorrents.org |
2 days ago at 05:29 by Szentigrade |
ST-Site: UP Tracker: UP | Radio: http://stradio.org:8000/listen.pls | #stradio #pre #vHost #stm-spam #tracers | NEWS: Event: Half Download Day! 2x IRC Bonus | Final IRC Flood Goal: 1250 Users by Jan. 1st 12AM | Last Chance to Win!! | ST's 4th Annual 12 Day's of Christmas http://www.supertorrents.org/events |
2 days ago at 05:29 by Szentigrade |
ST-Site: UP Tracker: UP | Radio: http://stradio.org:8000/listen.pls | #stradio #pre #vHost #stm-spam #tracers | NEWS: Event: Radio Day! 2x Bonus! | IRC Flood 11th Goal: 1200 User by December 31st | STAY ABOVE 1150!! | ST's 4th Annual 12 Day's of Christmas http://www.supertorrents.org |
3 days ago at 14:02 by Szentigrade |
ST-Site: Known Issues. Tracker: UP | Radio: http://stradio.org:8000/listen.pls | #stradio #pre #vHost #stm-spam #tracers | NEWS: Event: Double Donation Chairty Drive! | IRC Flood 10th Goal: 1150 Users by December 30th | STAY ABOVE 1100!! | ST's 4th Annual 12 Day's of Christmas http://www.supertorrents.org |
4 days ago at 19:56 by xq |
ST-Site: SLOW for SOME! Tracker: UP | Radio: http://stradio.org:8000/listen.pls | #stradio #pre #vHost #stm-spam #tracers | NEWS: Event: Double Donation Chairty Drive! | IRC Flood 10th Goal: 1150 Users by December 30th | STAY ABOVE 1100!! | ST's 4th Annual 12 Day's of Christmas http://www.supertorrents.org |
4 days ago at 19:56 by xq |
The topic was set 289 times. |
Total number of lines: 1484994.